How can stress affect my smile and oral health?
How can stress affect my smile and oral health?
Blog Article
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but did you know it could affect your oral health as well? If stress persists, it could lead to teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and neglect of proper oral hygiene. If you are getting smile designing in Dadar East, you must understand how stress could affect your teeth.
Bruxism is one of the common problems caused by stress. It grinds away the enamel and makes the person sensitive. Stress is also known to lower immunity and hence, gum infections like gingivitis and periodontitis cannot be easily fought off. High stress levels can also reduce saliva flow, increasing the chances of cavities and bad breath. Many stress-induced circumstances also see individuals munch on nasty food, packing in more sugar or skipping their oral care routine. All of these together make their oral health worse.
So keep your smile intact by keeping your stress levels low through relaxation methods such as meditation, deep breathing, or just moving. Avoid routine lapses in oral health-care by brushing twice daily, flossing, and panning your dental examination/cleaning visits with your dentist.
At Smile Again Dental Clinic, we understand that maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile is important. Whether you require preventive care or smile designing in Dadar East, our professionals will help restore your confidence and oral health. Schedule your appointment today for a big smile!